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New Arrivals!
    Los Olivos rebranding - Dos Olivos Markets

    Los Olivos rebranding

    Dear Friends and Family,

    As many of you know, the Hill Country has always been our favorite place to spend time with family and friends, and a place where we’ve made some unforgettable memories.  On March 1st, our family purchased Taste Buds in Wimberley, TX. These past three months have been an exciting and wonderful experience and we can’t wait to see what the future holds. We have met some amazing people and are very grateful for everyone’s warm welcome and support of the business.

    From the beginning, we knew how important Taste Buds and the products are to our customers. It is the reason we decided to purchase the business. Whether it’s the sweet and delicious honey butters, spicy and savory salsas, or a delicious wine tasting, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. We are committed to meeting your needs and many of your suggestions have been incorporated in this change that is taking place.  

    We are also implementing a delicious menu, with ingredients sold in house, to complement our wine and beer selections. We’ve enjoyed seeing everyone having a great time at the store and our goal is to build on that with a rebranding effort that emphasizes the fun, casual and hill country vibe that makes this place so special. Our goal is for the store to keep its delicious products and awesome ambiance and expand on it.  

    Beginning June 15th, Taste Buds Market is now Los Olivos Market, a name with a lot of personal significance.  My grandfather, my mother’s father, was from Madrid, Spain but a true Texan at heart. One of his favorite quotes was: “You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas.” by Davy Crockett. He lived on our ranch in Dripping Springs for 8 years before he passed away. As a gift, my aunt brought him two Olive trees for the property, which he planted, giving us the idea of naming it Los Olivos Ranch. We immediately fell in love with the name and when we took over the store we knew from the beginning what the name had to be.  We hope you’ll love it just as much as we do. We can’t emphasize enough how grateful we are for everyone’s support. These changes are positive and we are certain you will agree.

    Rebecca Varela