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New Arrivals!
    Tesela Raw Honey From Spain! - Dos Olivos Markets

    Tesela Raw Honey From Spain!

    Imported directly from Spain, these raw honeys are offered in 320 g & 50 g containers. They are the perfect gift for the holidays and they don't even need any sort of wrapping! 

    The main reason why these made it into our markets is due to its unique production and origin. There are 6 flavors of these honeys: Oak, Forest, Orange Blossom, Lavender, Eucalyptus, and Thousand Flowers. These flavors don't come from any sort of man-made infusion, instead they come from the different honeycombs that are located near forests, oak trees, eucalyptus plants, and so on. The flavors in these honeys are actually carried by the bees and mixed into the honeycomb they belong to. This organic process makes it possible to have honeys that are truly raw and not diluted by any artificial ingredients or sweeteners. 

    Make sure to find your favorite flavor and order yours today!